SSA 13: Stockyards Industrial Park

Is one of the most storied areas in the Midwest.

Over the course of a century, the Stockyards has transformed from a blood, sweat and tears meatpacking district to an environmentally-conscious business region.

SSA 13: Mission Statement

Primarily, the mission of SSA #13 is to retain existing industrial businesses while attracting new companies to operate within the designated boundaries of the Area; this mission will be accomplished by providing various authorized Special Services, including, but not limited to: private security, landscaping and beautification, advertising and promotion and maintenance.

About Special Services # 13 Chicago


Special Service Area (SSA) #13, immortalized in Upton Sinclair’s novel, The Jungle, the Stockyards is largely responsible for the births of the communities that surround the area.

Businesses within a designated SSA are provided “special services” that are designed to retain businesses and attract new industrial tenants to the area.

The primary special services that SSA #13 provides are private security patrols, landscaping and public way maintenance.

For more information please contact Caitlin Barrett at or call 872-281-7832.


Check out the programs that are available in the communities

that surround the area.


Sidewalk Cleaning

SSA #13 employs a maintenance crew that performs daily sidewalk cleaning, and performs trash and debris removal.

Shuttle Bus Services

SSA #13 participates in the BYNC shuttle bus service – we offer seniors rides to local stores for grocery shopping as well as doctor appointments so they may retain their independence and shop safely!

Security Patrols

SSA #13 deploys a robust security patrol to ensure the safety of the businesses, and to help deter drag racing and crime in the Stockyards Industrial Park and Central Manufacturing District.

Power Washing

Every year the SSA has the sidewalks in the SSA power washed for spring and fall cleaning.


SSA #13 maintains over 70 planters and several landscape features throughout the Stockyards Industrial Park and the Central Manufacturing District. We’re always looking to expand the beautification project!

2020 SSA Commissioner Meetings

Download 2020 Calendar here. View all SSA 13 meetings for 2020 here.

Contact For More Information

Please contact Caitlin Barrett at or call 872-281-7832..

Current SSA #13 Commissioners

 Every Commissioner serves for a 2-year renewable term.



James Matanky

James Matanky

Matanky Realty SSA #13 Chairman

Mike Carlino

Mike Carlino

Vienna Beef

Peter Testa

Peter Testa

Testa Produce

Barry Rosenthal

Barry Rosenthal

Vantage Oleochemicals

Lynn Wasielewski

Lynn Wasielewski

Richwill Enterprises, Inc

Matt Rogatz

Matt Rogatz

Chicago Industrial Real Estate

Contact SSA 13

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