SSA 7: Kedzie Industrial Park

Our motto is, and always has been, “We the people will work out our own destiny!”


SSA #7 is overseen by a group of five volunteer SSA Commissioners. These Commissioners are appointed by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and approved by the City Council. Once appointed, the Commissioners can recommend and approve the annual services, budget and Service Provider Agency.  Some of the highlights of SSA #7 include year-round private security and public way maintenance.



The City of Chicago’s Special Service Area (SSA) program is a mechanism for commercial & industrial areas to fund expanded services through a localized property tax levy.  SSA #7 was established in 1985 to service the Kedzie Industrial Tract which encompassed south of 47th Street from Kedzie to Central Park, and from 48th Place to 47th Street

The enhanced programs and services provided through SSA #7 are beyond what the City currently provides its constituents. The SSA-authorized services include but are not limited to: business retention/attraction, public way maintenance, promotional and advertising activities, special events, security, façade improvements and economic development initiatives.

The Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council (BYNC) is the Service Provider Agency for SSA #7 and three other SSAs that surround the Back of the Yards area; SSA #13 Stockyards Industrial Park, SSA #39 Brighton Park/Archer Heights, and SSA #10 Back of the Yards. Every year, the City awards a contract with the BYNC to continue providing these superb services.

Contact Fabiola Flores, Program Director at or call 773.523.4416 ext 108.


The SSA can use its tax money within its boundaries to do private security program, public way maintenance, business retention/attraction, and technical assistance to promote commercial and economic development.

Security Patrol Service

The private security program is one of the most beneficial and essential services in SSA#7.  The security company patrols the Industrial Kedzie Tract after business hours and on weekends starting Friday evening. The patrolmen notifies and reports any major incidents to the police department and the service provider. In addition, the security company reports any minor incidents such as graffiti, fly dumping, abandoned vehicles, and makes sure the security gates remain closed on the weekend.

Public Way Maintenance

In response to increased fly dumping and debris in the area mainly in the summer, the SSA#7 Commissioners agreed to include street maintenance to the scope of service.  This service is only provided from April-October. The maintenance crew cleans the sidewalks and removes any weeds from the sidewalks, curves and around the security gates.

WayFinding Signage

In order to make sure the area is safe and the security gates are working effectively, the SSA#7 makes sure there’s visible signage such as “Stop Signs”, the hours and days the gates are closed, weekend detours and areas vehicles are prohibited to park all around the SSA boundaries.


To learn more about SSA #7 programs and services, contact us at 872-281-7832..


SSA #7 is overseen by a group of five volunteer SSA Commissioners. These Commissioners are appointed by the Mayor of the City of Chicago and approved by the City Council. Once appointed, the Commissioners can recommend and approve the annual services, budget and Service Provider Agency.

Chicago’s SSA #7 Commissioners


  • Rami Ahkras, Chairman
  • Gene Paquette
  • Vacant
  • Vacant
  • Vacant

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