Now that the City of Chicago has increased its indoor capacity to 50%, the BYNC and SSA #10 wants to continue to help businesses stay afloat safely and responsibly. While many of our businesses have already created safe and healthy workplaces for their workers and customers, we want to make sure all of our businesses are also taking other measures and enhancing indoor protection to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  Therefore, the SSA #10 is thrilled to announce the new COVID-19 Safety Measure Rebate. This program gives businesses the ability to purchase equipment such as acrylic sneeze guards, shields, dividers, plexiglass barriers and social distancing signage and receive a rebate for those purchases.

Rebate Amounts

Approved applicants can receive up to 75% rebate for the equipment, up to a maximum of $1,500. That means if your equipment costs $3,000, you can apply for a rebate of $1,500 or if your equipment costs $1,000, you can apply for a rebate of $750.

Who can apply?

All restaurants, groceries, beauty salons, offices, retail stores etc. within the boundaries of SSA #10 are eligible for the rebate.


  1. Rebate requests will not be granted for equipment purchased before the application is received and approved.
  2. Applicant must fully and timely comply with all the requirements and deadlines set forth in the applications.
  3. Applicant must be the entity paying for the equipment.
  4. Applications will be considered in the order that they are received until all the program funding is disbursed for the fiscal year. If the number of applicants exceed the available funding, a lottery will be held.
  5. Applications will be reviewed every second and fourth Tuesday of every month.
  6. No business owner can receive more than one rebate in one calendar year from disbursement of the original grant.

Application Process

  • Applications must be submitted to the Back of the Yards office (1823 W. 47th Street, 2nd floor) or emailed to
  • The application must include a cost estimate in order to be considered. Business owners will be subjected to submit an invoice and business license in order to get the final approval.
  • Once the application has been reviewed and approved, applicant will be advised to proceed on purchasing the equipment and installing in their business.
  • After the safety equipment has been purchased and installed, the SSA #10 manager, will conduct a site visit to ensure proper and proposed equipment as indicated on the application has been placed and installed.
  • Applicant has 30 days to submit paid invoices from selected vendor, cancelled checks or credit card receipts for all eligible work that shows all work or equipment has been paid for in full.
Rebate Application Rebate Application – Spanish